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Department: Elementary and Early Childhood Education

All programs in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE) demonstrate a commitment to Ethics, Excellence, and Equity in education through preparing students to be teachers and community educators who respect all families, honor linguistic and cultural diversity, hold high expectations of all learners, and are proficient in the academic and technological standards of the profession.

​The Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education (EECE) offers undergraduate, graduate, and advanced certificate programs leading to New York State certification in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2), Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), Literacy Education, and Bilingual Education. These programs prepare teachers to support learning and development within the family, culture, and community contexts of students and schools.

 The mission of the EECE Department is translated into actionable goals. Faculty members of the EECE Department engage in reflective practice by reviewing:

  • Data to assist in the recruitment and retention of diverse student populations and faculty.

  • Program and course content to ensure that aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion are seamlessly intertwined with learning standards to ensure that other diverse perspectives, voices, and ways of knowing are represented in the curriculum.

  • Entry, progression, and completion criteria and policies are demonstrative of inclusive practices.

  • Clinical placements to ensure that teacher candidates have diverse student teaching experiences.

Powdermaker Hall 054


Department Chair: Dr. Ted Kesler