Admissions & Programs
Admission procedures and program descriptions are discussed in this section. Since requirements, deadline dates, and fees change from year to year, prospective students are encouraged to visit the Office of Admissions website for details at or visit the office in the lobby of Jefferson Hall (718-997-5600).
Student Definitions
Applicants may be enrolled as matriculated students or as non-degree students.
A matriculated student is one who has been admitted into an academic program and is recognized by the college as pursuing a degree. Matriculated students may attend Queens College on a full- or part-time basis.
A non-degree student is one who is registered for credit-bearing courses but is not pursuing a degree at the college and is attending part time.
Admission to Queens College is based on a variety of factors, including high school grades, academic program, and SAT or ACT scores. The ideal candidate will have a full college-preparatory curriculum in high school that includes academic coursework in mathematics (3 years), English (4 years), lab science (2 years), social studies (4 years), and foreign language (3 years).
High School Equivalency recipients may be considered for admission with a minimum score on the equivalency exam and the college-preparatory curriculum described above (i.e., TASC 3500, old GED 3500, new GED 740, and HiSet 083).
Applicants whose native language is other than English are encouraged to submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) scores.
Transfer Students
The admission review provides the opportunity to assess the student’s entire academic record, including all attempted and completed courses, grades earned, essays/ personal statements, and letters of recommendation. Applicants should have completed at least one college- level course in mathematics and English with a grade of C or better, or must demonstrate college-level readiness based on SAT, ACT, AP, IB, or New York Regents test scores.
The entire college/post-secondary school academic history, including grades earned from courses taken more than once, will be used to determine a grade- point average (GPA). If more than one college or post-secondary school was attended, the GPA will be determined through the combined calculation of all attempted coursework.
The high school/secondary school record will be considered if the applicant has completed fewer than 24 college credits.
As we consider each applicant, we also look beyond the classroom. Extracurricular accomplishments, special talents and awards in particular fields, and academic achievements in light of life experiences and special circumstances are weighed to determine a student’s potential for success at CUNY.
Second BA Degree
Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution may apply as a transfer student following the process described above. Special permission is required from the department chair or faculty advisor to declare a major.
Credit Evaluation
Coursework completed at other institutions will be evaluated after the student is offered admission to Queens College. Transfer of credit will be considered for liberal arts courses completed at an accredited, degree-granting U.S. institution with a minimum grade of C– (or any passing grade from a CUNY college).
Transfer credits evaluated as “499” courses are generally considered elective and may not be counted toward major or minor requirements without department approval.
Students must complete a minimum of 45 credits at Queens College in order to qualify for graduation. Contact the Office of Admissions (718-997-5604) for further information.
Fresh Start
Each year a small number of selected students return to college via the Fresh Start program. Transfer and reentry applicants who do not satisfy Queens College’s general admissions criteria, who have been out of college for at least three years, and who demonstrate a high level of motivation may be eligible for admission through Fresh Start.
Contact the Office of Admissions (718-997-5600) for information and applications. Applications will not be processed if there are any “holds” on a student’s record.
Returning Students
Students who attended Queens College in a matriculated status, left while meeting retention standards, are encouraged to reenter the college to complete their degree using the Readmissions Application.
Students who attended Queens and did not meet retention standards may also apply to reenter, but will need to submit an appeal letter and supporting documentation.
Readmission to the college is not automatic. Applications are available online at the Admissions website. All“holds”on a student record must be settled before a readmission application is reviewed.
Non-Degree Admission
The application for non-degree status is available on the Admissions website. Candidates must be:
■ Visiting students from a Non-CUNY accredited university or college;
■ Casual students with a high school diploma or its equivalent;
■ Applicants who are eligible for admission as a freshman or transfer but who do not intend to pursue a degree.
Non-degree students must demonstrate readiness for college-level work in reading, writing, and math prior to admission. They will be responsible for satisfying all conditions pertaining to non-degree students and their matriculation as adopted by the Academic Senate.
Non-degree students are limited to part-time status (a maximum of 11 credits).
Credits earned as a non-degree student may be applied to a degree program if the student is accepted for matriculation. Students must apply for matriculation before accumulating 24 credits at Queens College.
Matriculation forms are available in the QC Office of Admissions.
Applications for reentry with non-degree status will not be processed if there are any “holds” on a student’s record. Please note that non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid.
Senior Citizens
People who qualify as senior citizens may attend QC as auditors. They must be New York State residents 60 years of age or older who have completed high school. Senior Citizen auditors pay $80 per semester. They may enroll on a noncredit, space-available basis by completing the Senior Citizen Auditor Application, available through the Office of Admissions.
Financial Aid
Approximately half of Queens College students receive some form of financial aid. Possibilities include federal and state grants, federal loans, federal work-study programs, and scholarships. You may obtain further information from the Office of Financial Aid ( and in the “Paying for College” section of this Bulletin.
Degree Programs
Queens College believes that the best preparation for students in today’s global society is a rigorous education in the liberal arts and sciences. The college’s curriculum is structured so that all students graduate with the ability to think critically, address complex problems, explore various cultures, and use modern technologies and information resources.
Queens College offers a variety of degrees: the Bachelor of Arts in many disciplines; Bachelor of Business Administration; Bachelor of Fine Arts; Bachelor of Music; Bachelor of Science; and combined BA/MA degrees. The bachelor’s degree is a four-year, 120-creditdegree, unless otherwise noted in the department listings of this Bulletin. Please note that transfer students must complete a minimum of 45 credits at QC in order to qualify for graduation.
Dual Majors and Dual Degrees
Students who complete the requirements for two majors from different degree awards have two choices as they approach graduation.
In cases where a student completes the requirements for two majors from different award designations, such as majors in Business (BBA) and English (BA), the student may be awarded the degree associated with one of the two majors. At the time of degree checkout, only one degree with one major will be awarded. However, for the identification of the second major: a notation of completion of all of the requirements of the second major will reside in the transcript permanent comment section. There is no CUNY-wide or New York State policy that precludes students from pursuing two majors from two different award designations, and the completion of such dual major combinations can be recorded on the student’s academic record and presented on the transcript as a comment. Nor is there a CUNY-wide or New York State policy that prevents coursework taken to complete requirements in one major from also fulfilling requirements in a second major, in cases where there is an overlap of requirements between two majors.
A second option is for students to receive two degrees and two diplomas. In order to be awarded two degrees, such as a BA and BBA, students must complete at least an additional 30 credits in residence beyond the standard 120 total credits required for a bachelor’s degree. Under CUNY guidelines, students who have earned a bachelor’s degree will be deemed to have automatically fulfilled the Pathways Common Core as well as the College Option requirements and will need to complete all the major requirements and at least 150 total credits to earn the second degree.
BA/MA Degrees
Application to the BA/MA program should be made in the upper sophomore or lower junior semester, but admission is granted only in the junior year. Full details and application forms are available on the Office of Graduate Admissions website at
Important Note: The BA/MA program is an accelerated, combined degree program, with students receiving a BA and MA diploma upon completion of all BA/MA program requirements. In accordance with the CUNY Fee Manual, students are billed at the undergraduate rate for courses needed to satisfy the bachelor’s degree, generally 120 credits, regardless of whether courses taken are graduate or undergraduate. Once the requirements for the bachelor’s degree have been met, all courses (including undergraduate courses) are billed at the graduate rate. Students who anticipate that their course of study will require credits far in excess of the normal BA/MA program in their discipline should consider carefully the financial implications of BA/MA status.
Evening and Weekend Classes
Students who attend classes at night may earn a degree in one of the following areas: accounting; economics; graphic art; Hispanic languages and literature; interdisciplinary liberal arts; psychology; and sociology. In addition, the courses offered in other disciplines allow students to pursue a balanced and complete liberal arts education.
Adult Collegiate Education
Adult Collegiate Education (ACE) provides special advising to incoming students who have never attended college or who have earned less than 30 college credits and are 25 and older. After completing eight general education courses that fulfill most of Queens College’s core curriculum requirements, students may accrue up to 36 tuition-free life-achievement credits based on personal or professional experience. See the website at
How to Apply to Queens College
Queens College uses the CUNY Admissions Application for freshmen and transfers.
Please review the information and follow the instructions in the Prepare section at or the QC website at
CUNY Baccalaureate (BA/BS) Program
The City University of New York Baccalaureate Program (CUNY BA/BS) provides highly motivated and responsible students with a flexible, academically challenging way to earn their undergraduate degrees while giving them a major share of the responsibility for the content of that degree in consultation with faculty advisors. The program has three goals: (1) to encourage students to take advantage of the many extraordinary resources and learning opportunities available throughout the CUNY system; (2) to allow self-directed, academically able students, in conjunction with academic advisors and faculty mentors, to design an individualized program of study that complements their academic, professional, and personal goals; and (3) to foster intellectual exploration and responsible educational innovation. Interested students are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the CUNY Baccalaureate Program liaison in the Academic Advising Center (Kiely Hall 217) as early as possible in their academic careers to learn more about the program and the application process.
Honors Programs at Queens College
Queens College Honors Programs enhance your education by providing opportunities for faculty mentorship, advanced research, and other individualized projects. They create communities of learners on campus in which students enjoy classes that are small in size and emphasize discussion and projects over lectures. At the same time, Honors students have full access to the many resources that a diverse student body and campus like Queens can provide.
The Macaulay Honors College at QC
The Macaulay Honors College each year accepts a select group of outstanding freshmen—called University Scholars—to participate in a special and challenging program. University Scholars study with the best of the college’s outstanding faculty, participate in interdisciplinary seminars that combine cultural experiences with academic study, and make use of the vast resources of New York City. Students admitted to the program receive an academic expense account to assist with study abroad or other intellectually enriching activities; a free laptop computer; and, if CUNY’s requirement of New York State residency for in-state tuition is met, a full-tuition scholarship for up to four years. Students also receive special academic advising, early registration priority, and numerous additional educational benefits
Queens College Scholars Program
Exceptional freshman applicants are encouraged to apply for this program. An essay and teacher recommendations are required, and SAT subject tests are strongly recommended. In addition to completing the CUNY Freshman Application with Queens College listed as a choice, scholarship applicants must file the QC Scholarship Application available from the Admissions website. The application deadline is early December. Visit for details.
Queens College Scholars offers more than 200 merit-based scholarships of half the in-state tuition. Selection is competitive, and most awards are renewable contingent upon continued high academic achievement. Scholarship recipients must be full-time students.
Divisional Honors Programs
Honors in the Humanities, open to students in all majors on campus, emphasizes the use of careful reading, critical writing, and discussion to study the origins of contemporary artistic and intellectual culture. For further details, contact the director, Prof. Clare Carroll (718-997-3180) or visit
Honors Program in Mathematics Education: TIME 2000 is a nationally recognized, four-year mathematics teacher-preparation program in which undergraduate students receive scholarships and double-major in mathematics and secondary mathematics education.
Students work in close cohorts and take courses that emphasize applications of mathematical ideas, connections between college and high school mathematics, and innovative strategies for the learning and teaching of mathematics. Upon graduation, students get certified to teach mathematics in grades 7–12. For further details, contact Prof. Alice Artzt (718-997-5377) or visit
Honors in the Mathematical and Natural Sciences is an undergraduate research program that provides students with strong interests in math and science opportunities to develop close mentoring relationships with faculty. For further details, contact the director, Prof. Wilma Saffran (718-997-4195) or visit
Honors in the Social Sciences is a rigorous program of study in the social sciences, offering ambitious students the opportunity to work directly with a faculty member on the writing of an undergraduate thesis. For further details, contact the director, Prof. Thomas Ort, at or visit
Transfer Honors
The Queens College Transfer Honors Program is designed for highly motivated and creative students who wish to complete their bachelor’s degree at a world-class college that challenges them to do their best. All students admitted to the Transfer Honors Program are eligible to apply for a minimum scholarship of $1,000 per semester for four to six semesters (to complete the bachelor’s degree program). For more information, visit
Percy E Sutton SEEK Program
Launched in 1966, The Percy E Sutton SEEK Program is designed to reach qualified equity-deserving high school graduates. SEEK Students are holistically supported by the program from admission until graduation. Incoming freshmen start in the summer with intensive workshops; successful completion is required for fall matriculation. Students can transfer into the Queens College SEEK Program from the following opportunity programs: SEEK, College Discovery, HEOP or EOP. Additional academic support services such as, supplemental instructors, writing and STEM consultants, tutors, and peer mentors, are available to all SEEK Students. SEEK Students receive educational grants to assist with college expenses, transportation stipend, and two additional semesters of financial aid (TAP). Relevant self-actualization activities, student groups, leadership development, mental wellness, and internship opportunities are part of the program offerings. Each student is assigned a staff counselor who offers customized college advising and is equipped to address personal, social, and psycho-emotional concerns. A culture of student success, reflected in community and support, is embedded within the program.
Delany Hall 128
718 – 997 – 3100
Norka Blackman-Richards
Walter Dogan
Recruitment & Enrollment
Gary Aguayo
Academic Support Services
Program Advisors
Rajvir Kaur
Gaslin Osias
Maryanne Chester
Shonelle George
Jessica Perez
Margarita Eguizabal
Appointments with program advisors can be made via EAB Navigate